A paper discussing the findings from the CCARRE program whose aim is to provide care for older adults with cognitive impairment in New York City.
A qualitative study aimed to explore the benefits of telehealth for primary care physicians and their patients through semi-structured interviews.
Report following the case study of a large urban home-based primary care program that addressed barriers to video telehealth by disseminating cellular-enabled tablets.
The study aimed to improve telehealth accessibility for older adults by developing and evaluating telehealth education modules.
This study aimed to increase telehealth usage among vulnerable, low-income, minority older adults by providing education on telehealth and addressing its barriers.
Report following the case study of a large urban home-based primary care program that addressed barriers to video telehealth by disseminating cellular-enabled tablets.
Research outlining possibilities for chronic care management of stroke survivors using telehealth, focusing on populations with adverse social determinants of health.
Fact sheet that serves as a glossary for interpreters and health providers to. use with a glossary of terms related to Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind patients.
Guidance of best practices to assist in hosting telemedicine visit for patients who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or DeadBlind.
Research article highlights the challenge of isolation of older adults in the community especially during COVID-19, and how TIP-OA (Telehealth Intervention Program for Older Adults) is able to combat the challenge of isolation. This program is volunteer-based and includes friendly telephone conversations on a regular bases to older adults who may struggle with stress, depression, anxiety or fear of COVID-19.
Toolkit explaining methods to increase reach to older adults with mental illness and adapt telehealth practices for Latinx communities.
Fact sheet for hard of hearing patients instructing how to improve their content and devices for optimum functioning during telehealth visits