A Practical Approach to Assessing and Mitigating Loneliness and Isolation in Older Adults

Manuscript providing a framework for individuals working with older adults to understand isolation and social connection, describe the ways loneliness affects health, and create a framework for documenting these experiences.

Best Practices in Videoconferencing-Based Telemental Health April 2018

Collaboration between the APA and the ATA consolidating best practices for clinical videoconferencing in behavioral health services.

Effects of Integrated Telehealth-Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Depression and Insomnia in Rural Older Adults

Study observing the effect of integrated CBT videoconferencing in rural older adults to increase access to mental health care.

Dementia Care Comes Home: Patient and Caregiver Assessment via Telemedicine

Evaluation of feasibility and reliability of commonly used dementia assessments in the videoconferencing context.

Assessing Cognitive Function in Older Adults Using a Videoconference Approach

Pilot study validating use of videoconference tools (Skype, etc.) to assess cognitive function in older adults.

A Telehealth Behavioral Coaching Intervention for Neurocognitive Disorder Family Carers

Research describing a telemedicine behavioral health coaching intervention for women that care for adults with neurocognitive disorders.

Practice-Based Versus Telemedicine-Based Collaborative Care for Depression in Rural Federally Qualified Health Centers: A Pragmatic Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Trial

Comparative effectiveness trial regarding the outcomes of patients assigned to practice-based and telemedicine-based collaborative care.