Factsheet helping providers strategize how to engage and educate patients about telehealth utilization.
Investigation of EMT perspectives on acting as telehealth-enabled community primary care provider extenders with homebound older adults.
Framework outlining and innovative mobile telehealth technicial (MTT) program facilitated by EMTs for older adults in home-based primary care programs.
Cross sectional analysis examining Medicare beneficiaries’ utilization of telehealth and their socioeconomic and demographic characteristics.
Study attempting to improve access to telehealth for older adults during COVID-19 through donated devices and technology literacy education.
Systematic review assessing availability, application, and implementation of telehealth services for the elderly population during COVID-19.
A case series examining changes in goal of care and code status after implementation of inpatient virtual visits with geriatric and palliative care providers.

Guide for providers and administrators to use for implementation of telehealth at programs for all-inclusive care of older adults.

Webinar addressing best practices for preventing COVID-19 in post-acute and LTC facilities utilizing telehealth services and technologies.
This study aims to assess the challenges and factors that affect the use of telemedicine among elderly patients at a family medicine clinic in Iowa and selected Senior Living Communities in Iowa City.
Fact sheet for hard of hearing patients to have equal access to communicate with communication access realtime translation that provides word-for-word transcription of spoken ligation done live.
Systematic review of literature on remote care management programs for older adult populations with elevated prevalence of depression or anxiety and comorbid chronic medical illness.