Study investigating how individual and neighborhood characteristics, including the neighborhood broadband internet, are associated with engagement in telehealth among older adults with internet access.
Checklist for patients, providers, and administrators to facilitate telehealth compliance.
Fact sheet with needs assessment of different stakeholders in telehealth implementation, including patients, caregivers, providers, and organizations.
Review of regulatory, policy, and evaluation challenges for global e-mental health impacting patients, clinicians, health systems, and decision-makers after COVID-19.
Three case examples illustrating how telehealth is being used to increase access and care for older adults during COVID-19 with example workflows and staffing considerations.
Review of studies describing the effectiveness of internet-delivered CBT for psychiatric treatment.
Review of evidence for in-home video telehealth for patients with dementia and their caregivers with emphasis on implications for rehabilitation professionals.
Identifying applications of information and communication technologies to enhance care for people with dementia and their families.
Pilot study assessing the implementation of telemedicine assessments for older adults in the emergency department environment by comparing therapeutic recommendations.
Fact sheet with flowchart that displays the general workflow of telehealth interactions between patients, providers and other healthcare workers involved.
Fact sheet for patients regarding steps on how to prepare for an appointment, what to do during the appointment, and expected concerns.
Informed consent for telehealth consultations template.