Teleheath Provider tool: Telehealth Glossary. reegarding Vision and/or Hearing Impairments.

Fact sheet that serves as a glossary for interpreters and health providers to. use with a glossary of terms related to Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind patients.

Patient tool: Improving internet and device fun auctioning for telehealth visits

Fact sheet for hard of hearing patients instructing how to improve their content and devices for optimum functioning during telehealth visits

Patient tool: Connecting Hearing devices to audio during telehealth video meetings

Fact sheet for hard of hearing patients with detailed instructions on how to connect their hearing devices to audio for teleath video meetings

Patient tool: captioning technology for mobile phone calls

Fact sheet on how to enable captioning on mobile calls

Patient tool: amplification for telehealth, video conferencing phone calls

Fact sheet for hard of hearing patients to reference in order to know how to amplify the sound during a telehealth appointment.

Patient tool: tips for improving visual communication for telehealth video visits

Fact sheet suggesting tips for hard of hearing patients to help improve the visual aspect of communicating for telehealth visits

Patient tool: pre-appointment checklist for Hard of Hearing People Using Telehealth

Fact sheet for hard of hearing patients listing important pre-appointment things that need to be done prior to the telehealth call in order to prepare adequately

Patient tool: Communication strategies for telehealth visits

Fact sheet for hard of hearing patients to use to help prepare for telehealth visits

Patient tool: Appointment Checklist for Hard of Hearing People Using Telehealth

Fact sheet for patients who are hard of hearing, this is an imperative checklist to ensure having a successful telehealth appointment

Telehealth Provider tool: American Sign Language Interpreters in Telehealth Appointments

Manuscript informing providers what they need to know when an interpreter is involved during an apporintment.

Telehealth Provider tool: How to talk on the phone or video call to a person who is hard of hearing.

Hard of Hearing fact sheet for providers in order to help ensure a successful telehealth call with someone Hard of Hearing

The Collaborative for Telehealth and Aging: Principles and Guidelines for Providing Telehealth to Older Adults

Principles and guidelines that create a roadmap for providers and health systems to take actionable steps to meet the needs of older adults.