Telehealth for Older Adults: Principles, Guidelines and Lessons Learned

Webinar describing a framework that healthcare organizations can use to develop and enhance telemedicine for older adults.

FQHC Telehealth Best Practices: Lessons Learned from the Pandemic Session 1

FQHC stakeholders illustrate their approaches for achieving telehealth access equity and effectively engaging patients.

Readiness Assessment Questionnaire

Questionnaire assessing an organization’s readiness for implementation of a telehealth program.

Value Proposition of Telehealth in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Settings

Fact sheet for providers and administrators regarding perspective-based benefits of telehealth in post-acute and long term care settings.

Neighborhood Broadband and Use of Telehealth Among Older Adults: Cross-sectional Study of National Survey Data Linked With Census Data

Study investigating how individual and neighborhood characteristics, including the neighborhood broadband internet, are associated with engagement in telehealth among older adults with internet access.

20 Questions to Ask a Telehealth Provider

Fact sheet for administrators to use when considering implementing a service from a telehealth provider.

Telehealth Implementation Timeline

Fact sheet for administrators outlining timeline for telehealth program development, training, and implementation.

Telehealth Compliance Checklist

Checklist for patients, providers, and administrators to facilitate telehealth compliance.

PALTC Telehealth Workflow

Post-acute and long-term care example workflow.

Needs Assessment Questionnaire

Fact sheet with needs assessment of different stakeholders in telehealth implementation, including patients, caregivers, providers, and organizations.

Lessons Learned or Forgotten? Impacts of COVID-19 on the Future Direction of Global (e-)Mental Health Care

Review of regulatory, policy, and evaluation challenges for global e-mental health impacting patients, clinicians, health systems, and decision-makers after COVID-19.

Launching an Emergency Department Telehealth Program During COVID-19: Real-World Implementations for Older Adults

Three case examples illustrating how telehealth is being used to increase access and care for older adults during COVID-19 with example workflows and staffing considerations.