Patient tool: Communication strategies for telehealth visits

Fact sheet for hard of hearing patients to use to help prepare for telehealth visits

Patient tool: Appointment Checklist for Hard of Hearing People Using Telehealth

Fact sheet for patients who are hard of hearing, this is an imperative checklist to ensure having a successful telehealth appointment

Telehealth Provider tool: American Sign Language Interpreters in Telehealth Appointments

Manuscript informing providers what they need to know when an interpreter is involved during an apporintment.

Telehealth with older adults: Getting it right

Telehealth being available for older adults can only have a clear advantage if there are guidelines in place to help facilitate its deployment and use. This specifically is targeted towards older patietns who may be “complex” or “vulnerable” in these settings. The guidelines are sorted into 3 main categories in which each domain must be cnosidered in order to ensure high-quality telehealth-facilated care will be able to properly be delivered to older adults.

The Geriatric 5M Approach to Telemedicine Assessment: A Podcast with Lauren Moo

Behavioral neurologist Lauren Moo walks listeners through the geriatric 5M framework and its application to the medium of telemedicine.

Virtual geriatric clinics and the COVID-19 catalyst: a rapid review

Rapid review analyzing satisfaction, clinical benefit, and challenges with virtual geriatric clinics initiated by COVID-19.

The Digital Divide: Do Older Adults with Serious Illness Access Telemedicine?

Comparison of digital access between older adults with serious illness and a control group in a nationally representative cohort study.

Telehealth for Older Adults: Principles, Guidelines and Lessons Learned

Webinar describing a framework that healthcare organizations can use to develop and enhance telemedicine for older adults.

You Can Lead A Horse To Water, But What If They Don’t Know How To Drink? Customer Technical Support in Virtual Care

Slide deck illustrating strategy and considerations for consumer technical support in the telehealth context.

Telemedicine and Dementia Care: A Systematic Review of Barriers and Facilitators

Systematic review of articles investigating the use of telemedicine among older adults with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia or mild cognitive impairment focusing on the patient and care partner perspectives.

Telehealth was beneficial during COVID-19 for older Americans: A qualitative study with physicians

Qualitative study expressing provider perspectives on telehealth uptake and utilization during COVID-19.

Telehealth Use Among Older Adults During COVID-19: Associations With Sociodemographic and Health Characteristics, Technology Device Ownership, and Technology Learning

Study examining the relationship between telehealth utilization, access to technology, and digital literacy among older adults during COVID-19.