Expanding Healthcare Access In Rural Areas Through Telemedicine Hub

Expanding Healthcare Access In Rural Areas Through Telemedicine Hub
This case study highlights how Charleston Area Medical Center expanded healthcare access in rural West Virginia by embedding telemedicine hubs within local clinics, using a co-location model that enabled partnerships with non-affiliated providers and increased access to specialized care.

“Four I” Framework for Telehealth Optimization in Congregate Care Communities
This research article demonstrates how telehealth can enhance care for older adults in congregate care communities (CCC). Through partnerships formed by the Virginia Infection Mitigation, Prevention and Control Through Technology initiative, administrators, staff, and leaders across Virginia identified barriers and needs for this population. This collaboration led to the “Four I” Framework—Initiate, Integrate, Incentivize, and Inspire—which provides a practical roadmap for age-inclusive telehealth readiness and implementation in CCC, PACE centers, and other settings.

Use of Digital Health Technologies by Older US Adults
This study explores the evolving landscape of digital health technology (DHT) adoption among U.S. adults aged 50 to 80, examining who is using these technologies, the factors influencing adoption, and existing gaps. Findings reveal that older adults widely use DHTs, with adoption patterns similar to those of younger adults. Additionally, the research identifies a statistically significant link between race/ethnicity and DHT use.

Addressing Barriers to Equitable Telehealth for Older Adults
This opinion article explores the challenges older adults face in accessing telehealth services. The authors identify barriers such as physical and cognitive impairments, limited health and digital literacy, lack of access to technology, and implicit age-related biases among healthcare providers. To address these challenges, they propose solutions that emphasize the need for telehealth services tailored to the specific needs of older adults to ensure equitable healthcare delivery.