Case study regarding using telemedicine to reduce ED visits among older adult nursing facility residents.
Principles and guidelines that create a roadmap for providers and health systems to take actionable steps to meet the needs of older adults.
Learnings from a survey for EM providers providing understanding of telehealth usage in EDs, barriers to telehealth in emergency care, and how to motivate providers towards adoption.
Webinar describing a framework that healthcare organizations can use to develop and enhance telemedicine for older adults.
FQHC stakeholders illustrate their approaches for achieving telehealth access equity and effectively engaging patients.
Slide deck illustrating strategy and considerations for consumer technical support in the telehealth context.
Systematic review of articles investigating the use of telemedicine among older adults with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia or mild cognitive impairment focusing on the patient and care partner perspectives.
Qualitative study expressing provider perspectives on telehealth uptake and utilization during COVID-19.
Study examining the relationship between telehealth utilization, access to technology, and digital literacy among older adults during COVID-19.
RCT evaluating acceptance and efficacy of PST for low-income homebound older adults with depression, focusing on patient outcomes.
Study assessing attitudes of rural older adults in a FQHC towards telehealth during and after COVID-19 with a focus on reduction of disparities in care.
Questionnaire assessing an organization’s readiness for implementation of a telehealth program.