Telehealth Implementation Timeline

Fact sheet for administrators outlining timeline for telehealth program development, training, and implementation.

Telehealth Compliance Checklist

Checklist for patients, providers, and administrators to facilitate telehealth compliance.

Measurement of Digital Literacy Among Older Adults: Systematic Review

Systematic review of digital literacy instruments and the appropriateness of these measures for older adults.

Needs Assessment Questionnaire

Fact sheet with needs assessment of different stakeholders in telehealth implementation, including patients, caregivers, providers, and organizations.

Launching an Emergency Department Telehealth Program During COVID-19: Real-World Implementations for Older Adults

Three case examples illustrating how telehealth is being used to increase access and care for older adults during COVID-19 with example workflows and staffing considerations.

Implementation of a telemedicine geriatric co-evaluation in the emergency department: a prospective pilot study

Pilot study assessing the implementation of telemedicine assessments for older adults in the emergency department environment by comparing therapeutic recommendations.

Telehealth Workflow

Fact sheet with flowchart that displays the general workflow of telehealth interactions between patients, providers and other healthcare workers involved.

Telemedicine Appointment

Fact sheet for patients regarding steps on how to prepare for an appointment, what to do during the appointment, and expected concerns.

Sample Telehealth Consent Form

Informed consent for telehealth consultations template.

How To Engage Your Patients In Telemedicine

Factsheet helping providers strategize how to engage and educate patients about telehealth utilization.

Make The Most Of Your Telemedicine Visit: For Providers

Factsheet for providers to use in order to observe maximum benefit from telehealth encounters, including billing guidelines.

Application and implementation of telehealth services designed for the elderly population during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review

Systematic review assessing availability, application, and implementation of telehealth services for the elderly population during COVID-19.