Case study outlining and analyzing the conversion of a geriatrics clinic to telehealth visits in 8 weeks.
Quality improvement analysis comparing patient metrics and efficiency of clinical pharmacy specialists after expansion of telehealth services during COVID-19.
Stakeholder-driven improvements to digital care management to promote widespread telemedicine access for traditionally underserved patients.
Pilot study assessing the feasibility of video-enhanced care management for complex older veterans with cognitive impairments and their care partners.
Brief outlining implementation of a direct-to-patient teledermatology intervention for low-income older adults.
Case study analysis of a house call intervention by Wake Forest Baptist Health that attempted to assess food security, loneliness, telehealth preparedness, and safety.
Case study from Montefiore-Einstein Center for the Aging Brain regarding a coordinated telehealth approach to reach cognitively impaired older adults during COVID-19.
Study investigating an alternative approach for emergency care delivery comprised of skilled nursing facility-based telemedicine services provided by emergency physicians.
Description of home-based primary care telemedicine intervention during COVID-19 in a program for homebound chronically ill older adults.
Pilot study identifying patient-perceived barriers to integrating home telehealth visits during COVID-19 in a VA renal clinic.
Commentary proposing comprehensive research, education, and policy agenda for implementing and optimizing telehealth pain management using learnings from COVID-19.
Physician describes their process of investigating the geriatric 5 M’s (mind, mobility, medications, multicomplexity, what matters most) in home video visits.