Core Principles
Members of the Collaborative for Telehealth & Aging (C4TA) created a set of recommended principles for delivering telehealth to older adults to account for their unique needs. Each principle has associated guidelines that serve as more specific goals that telehealth programs and providers can aim to achieve. Click on the "Learn more" buttons to learn more about each principle and accompanying guidelines.

Equitable & Accessible
All people should have equal access to the same level of high-quality care regardless of age, ability, socio-economic status, or health and technology literacy

Older adults should be at the center of decision-making—accounting for their care preferences, goals, wishes, abilities, support system, and conditions

Integrated & Coordinated
Systems should facilitate access to the information and support necessary to provide quality care to older adults, including communication between and within systems and stakeholders
Principles and Guidelines for Telehealth & Aging
Download this comprehensive set of provider-focused telehealth principles and guidelines to have anywhere and everywhere you are!

Telehealth with Older Adults: Getting it Right
Development of Telehealth Principles and Guidelines for Older Adults: A Modified Delphi Dpproach